Oct 9, 2020

When you live in Minnesota, you quickly become accustomed to seeing a thick layer of snow all over your vehicle when you wake up in the morning. You may have your own method for getting on the road following a heavy snowfall, but there are effective ways to clean snow and ice off of your car before backing out of your driveway. Here are four tips.

Use Your Defrosters

Before starting any snow removal procedure, make sure that your tailpipe is clear of snow and ice so carbon monoxide isn’t released back into your vehicle at dangerous levels. Then, reach inside the car and turn on your front and rear defrosters so they can slowly heat up your vehicle’s exterior and aid you in your task.

Do Not Use Hot Water

Pouring hot water over snow and ice may seem like a great idea, but it can actually do some harm. The windshield’s glass may crack from the extreme temperature change, leaving you with glass shards everywhere and puddles of water all over the ground, which can be its own hazard. For the same reason, and also because it can melt the glass, steer clear of using a propane burner over the windshield, too.

If other, non-glass parts of your vehicle, such as your door handle, are covered in ice and snow, you can pour cold water over them in a steady stream while softly brushing away the piles.

Use the Right Tools

One of the most important things you can do to clean snow and ice off your car is to make sure you’re using the correct tools during the entire process. Stay away from any metal, including metal ice scrapers you may see being sold in the store because they can leave cuts and scrapes on your windshield or in your car paint. While you may have heard that vinegar and water mixed together will also get the job done, that’s not necessarily true as you’re likely to be left with a damaged windshield.

Instead, use a combination of a plastic ice scraper and a soft, nonabrasive foam brush to work at the compact snow covering your car. It’s best to use a brush that is specifically manufactured for snow — anything else can leave behind scratches.

Work From the Top Down

Using your new brush, start at the top of the car by pulling the snow toward you rather than pushing it away. Continue to your windshield and hood, and repeat the process at your back window and trunk area until almost all of the snow and ice have been removed from your vehicle. Make sure that the only snow and ice you leave behind are small pieces that will naturally melt with the help of your defroster; otherwise, larger chunks can fall while you’re in transit and impede your car or others on the road.

If you want to continue to enjoy your car, give yourself the extra time you need to remove the snow and ice from your vehicle safely. This precaution can help you avoid repair costs and keep your vehicle in great shape for a long while.

Image via Pexel